Thursday, January 28, 2010

Advisor meeting notes - Image processing game ideas

Here are some of the ideas from John and Shirley, along with some inputs from our side

All the following ideas pertain to the Image recognition game:-

1. how about recognizing the objects based on a given category?
2. how about associating objects together in some way?
3. how about a game of memory?
        -show the picture, give some time for the people to see the image
        -cover the image now
        -ask the player to point to the place he thought that the object would be
4. how about using the silhouettes of the objects in the images in some way
5. how about the 6 difference game? two images with slight difference between them?
6. how about collaborating and creating new pictures from the objects found ?
7. how about coming up with a game based on the colour of objects? biggest object coloured red? find the objects based on their colour..
8. how about a Mystery game? sherlock holmes, clue based ? finding objects in the image?
9. how about associating the object with a piece of music? or a musical clue to guess the object?

some more tips and pitfalls:-
*-since game is seconday and the objective of problem solving is primary, is there anything other game that can be thought of. ofcourse, this can be an interesting and fun activity..
perhaps some place that people would not expect it to be
-make sure that there is confirmation/verification of the idea of the game
-we also figure out where in the image, the object would be placed
-know your audience
-think if everyone would tag the same way?
-can you use the cave? or the huge ball (whatever it is ) ?
-a game based on the advanced technology that lets computers determine where the people are seeing in the image.
-use filters to get down to what you want.

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