-The team is in the process of aggregating the information collected so far into a report that summarizes what we have done.
-Also, we are preparing for a presentation that gives an overview of what can be expected for the rest of the semester.
Prototyped a rough interaction that possibly gives cues to what can be expected: Fun, Addictive, Simple, Quick and Specific
-This is a simple game where the player tries to reveal object hidden behind the tiles.
-By making the tiles arbitrarily small or by adding a game mechanic to it, we can make it a game which in turn adds interest to what is being pursued.
-As mentioned before, there can be the 'taggers' and 'finders' concept in this.
Notes from Meeting:
-Collect attributes of objects in image like location, name, number of objects, etc
-Additional tags to objects in the form of adjectives gives more detail about the objects.
-There can be a relationship between the objects or the attributes of these objects.
-Can model the games based on Wario ware which has a collection of interesting and addictive minigames.
- the key would be to break up the gameplay in different forms and do lots of activities in a short time
- helps to make the task very specific to what we want
-The pictures could be fed in from the database based on some 'criteria' that the people would be interested at that moment.. perhaps images from NEWS thats happening at the time ?
-Score on the Facebook profile and publish a story to get more people to play the game.
-the schedule will be comprised of play-testing and development simultaneously.
*-there is a need to design a good metadata format for storing the details of the objects.
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