Friday, January 15, 2010

Brainstorming session 2

15 January 2010


Self-building world

-          Human/Human model: person can upload a picture, add some tags, create a model of the object for the world; building assets for the world; users can rate objects; computer gains information about pictures without having to provide the pictures

-          Scavenger hunt: given a keyword, upload a picture that matches; the more pictures you upload the more points you get; self-regulated world in that other users can rate the pictures so mismatched pictures don't get points

Image Processing -> Identification/classification -> gender, human, animal, color 

Other ideas:

Governing bodies / policy making

Economy model

-          Pick a Price! Game

o   People guess the price of real-world objects

o   Benefactors:

§  Company

·         Advertising -> motivation

·         Research on fixing a price point

§  Player

·         Fun!

·         Will learn about the product

·         Will learn about the price

·         Provides company with "wish list" pricing

o   Issues:

§  Can cheat by Googling the actual price

§  How can you determine correct answers?

o   Look at the silhouettes of objects instead?

o   Rather than asking users to guess the price of the object, ask how much they think another person (an anonymous partner perhaps) will pay for the object

§  Use a range ($0 - $10, $10 - $20, etc)

§  Or have players guess what the overall average guess is -> regulated by players, not by real-world prices

·         Still valuable to companies in regards to research on perceived value

Team will further their thinking about the price game.

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